Document Archive
The full text of each of a range of papers by John Heron, including co-authored papers. This is by no means a complete archive, either of published or unpublished papers. It will expand from time to time. This archive also includes some key extracts from my published books.While I have made a distinct category of spiritual inquiry papers,the theme of relational spirituality is explicit or implicit in all the other categories listed below. JH
Co-counselling papers
These papers express the peer-to-peer approach of Co-counselling International (CCI), an independent association founded in 1974 – by John Heron, Dency Sargent and Tom Sargent – to develop co-counselling within an international federation of autonomous co-counselling communities, now active in several countries worldwide. CCI is entirely separate from, and has significant differences to the centralized approach of, the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities, founded in Seattle, USA, by Harvey Jackins in the 1960s.
For a radical extension of the theory and practice co-counselling, see A Little Book of Co-creating (1996), a recent (2008) update of this in three maps, MAP 1, MAP2, MAP3, and a A Reconstructed Definition of CCI 2009
Co-counselling teachers’ manual 1978, revised 1998
Co-counselling teacher trainers’ manual 1978, revised 1998
Intensive counselling 1978, revised 1998.
Catharsis in human development 1977, revised 1998.
Co-counselling manual 1974, 1979, revised 1998.
A definition of Co-counselling International 1974, revised 1996.
Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry (2) 1982. A PDF file.
Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry 1981. A PDF file.
Co-operative inquiry papers Click here for a comprehensive selection of introductory papers, papers exploring the context, and a bibliography.
Holistic education and training papers
Our process in this place July 2002. Keynote talk at Living Spirit – New Dimensions in Work and Learning, International Conference on Organisational Spirituality, 22-24 July 2002, University of Surrey, UK.
Holism and collegiality Published in Self and Society, Vol 29 No 2, 2001.
The modern revolution in learning An extract from Chapter 1 of John Heron’s book The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook, London, Kogan Page, 1999
Facilitator fundamentals Seven charts on the basic principles and practices of facilitation. They can be printed and enlarged for use in facilitator training workshops and courses. Based on John Heron’s book The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook, London, Kogan Page, 1999. A pdf file.
Helping whole people learn Chapter 6 from Working with experience: animating learning, edited by David Boud and Nod Miller, London, Routledge, 1996.
Assessment revisited Chapter 4 from Developing Student Autonomy in Learning, edited by David Boud, London, Kogan Page, 1988.
An overview of radical education in action A paper prepared for the Committee of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, London, 1985.
Prospectus for an IDHP course A paper prepared for the Committee of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, London, 1985.
Holistic endeavour in postgraduate medical education Published in The British Journal of Holistic Medicine, Vol 1 No 1, 1984, 80- 85.
Education of the affect A paper on emotional education. Published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1982. A pdf file.
Practitioner papers
The placebo effect and a participatory worldview Published in D.Peters (ed), Understanding the Placebo Effect in Complementary Medicine, London: Churchill Livingstone, 2001, 189-212.
A self-generating practitioner community Published in R. House and N. Totton (eds), Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 1997, 241-254.
The politics of transference First published in Self and Society, Volume 18, No.1, 1990. And reprinted in R. House and N. Totton (eds), Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 1997, 11-18.
Living with teenagers Three chapters, with the start of a fourth, from a manuscript commissioned by a UK publisher after the screening in 1994 of a BBC1 TV programme in which I facilitated a group of parents and teenagers exploring the challenges of living together. The publisher found the chapters too radical. This is the first publication of the original text. |
Critique of conventional research methodology Published in Complementary Medical Research, Vol 1 No 1, 1986, 12-22.
Whole person medicine: a co-operative inquiry Published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1985. A pdf file.
A systems approach to medical research A paper prepared for the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London, 1985.
The human capacity for intentional self-healing and enhanced wellness A research proposal by John Heron, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, and Peter Reason, Centre for the Study of Organizational Change and Development, University of Bath, 1985.
A paradigm of well-being From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981; and reprinted in British Journal of Holistic Medicine, Vol 1 No 2, 1984.
Notes on holistic medical research A paper prepared for the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London, 1983.
Policy statement on the use of the randomized trial A paper prepared for the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London, 1983.
Choice: a paradigm of personal power From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981.
Holistic medicine Published with the title Humanistic Medicine by the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with the Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, February 1978.
Research on group work An extract from Heron, J., Dimensions of Facilitator Style, Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1977.
Criteria for evaluating growth-movements Published by Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1975.
From the quest for certainty to the quest for wholeness Unpublished paper, 1962.
Spiritual inquiry papers
Humanism: the fourth wave Published in R. House, D. Kalisch and J. Maidman (eds), The Future of Humanistic Psychology, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 2013.
Notes on spiritual leadership and relational spirituality First published here May 2008.
Charismatic inquiry in concert: action research in the realm of the between John Heron and Gregg Lahood. Published (without the photo) in Handbook of Action Research, second edition, edited by Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury, London, Sage Publications, 2008.
An unconvincing caseOf the several drafts written between September 2007 and February 2008, this one of 11,600 words is the full and definitive version of my critique of Richard Tarnas’ case for astrology. It gives a more comprehensive and radical account of my views than the 5,000 words I extracted from it – to meet editorial restriction on length – to publish as ‘A commentary on Richard Tarnas’ Cosmos and Psyche’ in Network Review: Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network, No. 95, Winter 2007, pp. 11-16.
Participatory fruits of spiritual inquiry, ReVision, Vol 29 No 3, 2007. A pdf file.
Spiritual inquiry: a handbook of radical practice May 2006. The ninth and definitive draft of the paper previously published here in successive drafts as Revisionary perspective on human spirituality.
Relational spirituality Published as Perspective 3 in Heron, J., Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion, Morrisville NC: Lulu Press, 2006. For an extended version see
Papers on the inquiry group June 2005. Five informative documents on our ongoing inquiry group practices and beliefs.
On The Way Entries from an inner journal first published here 14 April 2005.
A model of decision-making September 2004. From the ongoing decision-making inquiry.
Experience of the Subtle Realms This e-document, published here January 2003, is my 1994 revised edition of Confessions of a Janus-brain the first edition of which was published by the Endymion Press, London, 1987. Now available to buy online as a paperback and download with the title Living in Two Worlds.
Divine determinacy and indeterminacy June 2001. First publication.
Spiritual inquiry as divine becoming Published in ReVision, Fall, 2001.
A dipolar map of the spiritual and the subtle Chapter 6 from Sacred Science 1998.
The four causes August 1991. First publication.
The guardian on the verge: a study of conscious and unconscious dynamics August 1991. First publication.
Dipolar theology August 1984. First publication.
The nature of the inspirational process February 1984. First publication.
A marriage of paradigms: autonomy – heteronomy; Mind – mind From Heron, J., Paradigm Papers, published by British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, in association with Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, December 1981.
Practical methods in transpersonal psychology May 1975. Published by Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey.
The phenomenology of social encounter: the gaze Published in Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 1970, 243-264.