Experience of the subtle realms
John Heron
“One of the most exciting and thought-provoking books I have read for quite some time.” Stephen Hodge
This e-book, published here January 2003, is my 1994 revised edition of Confessions of a Janus-brain the first edition of which was published by the Endymion Press, London, 1987. It is about first-person inquiry – my personal experience.
For a co-operative inquiry approach, see Part 2 of Sacred Science, published by PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, 1998.
Click on either a chapter heading or a subheading of interest to you.
1. Heron’s beard
3. Heron’s beard and Occam’s razor
2. Passive hierarchies of the second kind
3. Visits to the other world
9. The subtle matrix and the subtle body
10. Towards a science of consciousness
4. Openings between the worlds
2. Between sleeping and waking
9. At the edge of the visual field
5. Transfigurations
1. Dissolution into the subtle
5. The transfiguration of retinal lights
6. Misperception as clairvoyance
7. Systematically ambiguous percepts
8. The conceptual transfiguration of perception
9. Transfigurations of personal appearance
10. Presence and double incarnation
12. Vocal and musical transfigurations
6. Paradoxes of the arbitrary
5. Oracles and the logic of ambiguity
7. The doctrine of powers
5. Lines as powers between the worlds
9. Running in two worlds at once
14. More on the concept of an ally
8. Intimacy in two worlds
5. Spacing out and visions through the skin
6. Sexual ecstasy and continuous creation
8. The manifold of intimate transactions
9. Charismatic training
2. Entering the subtle body: bearing
4. Expanding into matrix space
7. The matrix of the immediate other
10. Exploring subtle power lines
17. Speaking out of matrix time
18. Expanding into matrix time
20. Direction, content and manner of speech
21. The use of intermental fields
10. Manifold spaces
2. Projective geometry as the source of metric geometries
5. Modes of spatial experience
6. The fifth and sixth dimensions
11. Extraordinary times
1. Can the future shape the present?
5. Physical time, matrix time and transcendental time
6. Destiny and pre-destination
12. Speculative metaphysics
1. The manifest and the unmanifest
3. Autonomy, parity and hierarchy
5. The down-hierarchy of Logos
6. Cosmos: the dove-tailing of Eros and Logos
7. The illusions of Eros and of Logos
13. Into the future
1. Cultural forms, hierarchies of the second kind and archetypal power
6. The genesis and development of cultural forms