South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry
Note: At the Centre we specialize in inquiries which have developmental continuity over extended periods of time. However, we can also provide short-term inquiry training and inquiry consultancy for local and international clients. Our approach is rooted in co-operative inquiry: see Papers on co-operative inquiry.

Ongoing work with co-creating
The Co-counselling Advanced 2010 workshop integrated co-creating with co-counselling. This took further the impetus of John Heron’s 20 – 21 January 2009 workshop at the Centre here, which drew on the co-operative work of the co-creating field-test (see links to update maps below), and explored the theory and practice of co-creating as a way of extending the theory and practice of co-counselling (click on this link for a pre-workshop discussion paper). It was held at the request of co-counsellors from the USA, UK, Europe and New Zealand, and was attended by 26 international active co-counsellors interested in the future of peer self-help whole person development. For more details about the event see this flyer. The work continues.
Meeting fortnightly, Tuesdays, 7.30-9.30 pm, at the South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry. Simply known as the inquiry group, this group explores expressive, charismatic forms of relational spiritual practice. It has been meeting regularly since 1994 and in April 2008 entered its third seven-year cycle. Here is the launch document. See also Papers on the inquiry group for six informative documents. From February 2009: Co-creating practices are included within the format of the meetings.
Co-creating field-test
June to December 2008: South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry. A group of eleven field-test a comprehensive update of the peer self-help holistic development method of co-creating. For the provisional 1996 first version see here. For three new basic update maps see MAP 1, MAP2, MAP3 (pdf files). From February 2009: Co-creating practices are included both within the format of the meetings, and within one-to-one sessions on individual action inquiries between meetings.
Action inquiry in everyday life
Ongoing from March 2008: South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry. Inquiry group members formulate a new range of individual transformative action inquiries for their everyday lives, with regular review of the projects at inquiry group meetings. From February 2009: We agree to adopt a common theme of fearlessness-and-prudence both for our individual action inquiries, and also for one-to-one co-creating sessions, between meetings. From September 2011: We agree to adopt a common theme of practical wisdom – and its relation to foolishness and waywardness – in everyday life.
Sacred way of living
Ongoing since August 2003: South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry. A small group action inquiry, meeting at variable intervals, into the sacred art of living, including dying as integral to the cycles of living.
Decision-making inquiry
Ongoing since February 2001: South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry. A small group action inquiry, meeting at variable intervals, to review retrospectively, and to intend for the future, how we make decisions, large and small, about how we are being and what we are doing in this, that and the other dimension of our lives. See Model of individual decision-making