John Heron (1928-2022)
Founder and Director of the Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1970 – 1977; Honorary Director, 1977 – 1981; Honorary Co-director, 1981-1984. The first academic centre for humanistic and transpersonal psychology and education in Europe.
Assistant Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, 1977 – 1985; in charge of an innovative programme of personal and professional development for hospital doctors and GPs, out of which the British Holistic Medical Association was formed.
Director, International Centre for Co-operative Inquiry, Volterra, Tuscany, Italy, 1990-2000.
Co-director, South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000-present.
Group facilitator and trainer in the fields of: co-counselling; co-operative inquiry and new paradigm research; educational and staff development; group facilitation and interactive skills; management development; personal and transpersonal development; professional development in medicine, psychotherapy and the helping professions. Researcher and author.
Workshops in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Eire, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, UK, USA. Annual visits to New Zealand from 1990-91 to 1996-97, 1998-99. Resident in New Zealand from January 2000.
Southern hemisphere. Australia: Curtin University, Perth; University of New South Wales; University of Technology, Sydney. New Zealand: Aoraki Polytechnic, Auckland Area Health Board, Auckland Institute of Technology, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand Institute for Industrial Research and Development, Unitec, University of Auckland, Victoria University, several private organizations.
Management development work in the UK: Ashford Management College, Bramshill Police College, British Telecom, Home Office, Lloyds Bank, Metropolitan Police, Rank Xerox International, etc.
Group facilitator in UK TV programmes: medical stress (ITV, 1981), racism (BBC2, 1985), AIDS (Channel 4, 1987), Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses (BBC2, 1990), divorce (BBC2, 1991), parents and teenagers (BBC1, 1994).
One of the founders in the UK of each of the following: Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners, Co-counselling International, Institute for the Development of Human Potential, New Paradigm Research Group, Research Council for Complementary Medicine.
Heron, J., & Sohmer, O. An interview with John Heron: Exploring the interface between cooperative inquiry and transpersonal studies.
‘Humanism: the fourth wave‘, in R. House, D. Kalisch and J. Maidman (eds), The Future of Humanistic Psychology, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 2013
‘My early engagement with humanistic psychology‘, Self & Society, Journal of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, 40: 1, 2012.
‘An overview of radical education in action’, E-Learning and Digital Media, 9: 3, 2012.
‘Life cycles and learning cycles’, in K. Illeris (Ed), Contemporary Learning Theories, London: Routledge, 2009.
‘A paradigm of wellbeing’, Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 5: 3, 2008. At the editor’s request: a reprint of the 1984 article.
‘Extending epistemology within co-operative inquiry’ with P. Reason, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (Eds), Handbook of Action Research, second edition, London: Sage, 2008.
‘Charismatic inquiry in concert: action research in the realm of the between’ with G. Lahood, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (Eds), Handbook of Action Research, second edition, London: Sage, 2008.
‘A commentary on Richard Tarnas’ Cosmos and Psyche’,Network Review: Journal of the Medical and Scientific Network,No. 95, Winter, 2007. A 5,000 word extract from the 11,600 critique ‘An unconvincing case’.
Uncharted Journey: Explorations in Imaginal Space, Auckland: Endymion Press, 2007. A book of digital art.
‘Participatory fruits of spiritual inquiry’, ReVision, 29: 3, 2007. A pdf file.
Cosmic Psychology, Auckland: Endymion Press, 2006. Eighth edition.
Living in Two Worlds, Auckland: Endymion Press, 2006. Third edition.
Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion, Morrisville NC: Lulu Press, 2006
‘Foreword’ in Y. Bates and R. House (Eds), Ethically Challenged Professions: Enabling Innovation and Diversity in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye, PCCS Books, 2003.
Experience of the Subtle Realms, e-book online here at www.human-inquiry.com, 2003. Revised edition of Confessions of a Janus-brain, the first edition of which was published by the Endymion Press, London, 1987. Now available to buy online (September, 2006) as a paperback and download with the title Living in Two Worlds.
‘Spiritual Inquiry as Divine Becoming’, ReVision, Autumn, 2001.
‘Holism and Collegiality’, Self & Society, Summer, 2001.
Helping the Client: A Creative, Practical Guide, London: Sage, 2001. Fully revised and enlarged fifth edition.
‘The Placebo Effect and a Participatory Worldview’ in D. Peters (Ed), Understanding the Placebo Effect in Complementary Medicine, London: Churchill-Livingstone, 2001.
‘Transpersonal co-operative inquiry’, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (Eds), Handbook of Action Research, London: Sage, 2000.
‘Co-operative inquiry: research with rather than on people’ with P. Reason, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (Eds), Handbook of Action Research, London: Sage, 2000.
The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook, London: Kogan Page, 1999. Revised second edition and compilation of the complete texts of both The Facilitators’ Handbook,1989, and Group Facilitation: Theories and Models for Practice,1993.
Sacred Science: Person-centred Inquiry into the Spiritual and the Subtle, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 1998.
‘A Participatory Inquiry Paradigm’ with P. Reason, Qualitative Inquiry, 3: 3, 1997.
‘The Politics of Transference’ in R. House and N. Totton (Eds), Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 1997.
‘A Self-generating Practitioner Community’ in R. House and N. Totton (Eds), Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 1997.
Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition, London: Sage, 1996.
‘Spiritual Inquiry: A Critique of Wilber’, Collaborative Inquiry, 18, 1996.
‘Helping Whole People Learn’ in D. Boud and N. Miller (Eds), Working with Experience: Promoting Learning, London: Routledge, 1996.
‘Co-operative Inquiry’ with P. Reason in J. Smith, R. Harre, L. Van Langenhove (Eds), Rethinking Methods in Psychology, London: Sage, 1995.
Group Facilitation: Theories and Models for Practice, London: Kogan Page, 1993.
Feeling and Personhood: Psychology in Another Key, London: Sage, 1992.
‘The Politics of Facilitation’, in J. Mulligan and C. Griffin (Eds), Empowerment through Experiential Learning, London: Kogan Page, 1992.
‘Confluent and Political Learning on IDHP Courses’, Self & Society, XVIX: 4, 1991.
Helping the Client: A Creative, Practical Guide, London: Sage, 1990. Fourth edition of Six Category Intervention Analysis.
A Handbook for Leaders, Guildford: Human Potential Research Group, University of Surrey, 1990.
‘The Politics of Transference’, Self & Society, XVIII: 1, 1990.
The Facilitators’ Handbook, London: Kogan Page, 1989.
Six Category Intervention Analysis, third edition, Guildford: HPRG, University of Surrey, 1989.
‘Impressions of the Other Reality: A Co-operative Inquiry into Altered States of Consciousness’ in P. Reason (Ed), Human Inquiry in Action, London: Sage, 1988.
‘Validity in Co-operative Inquiry’ in P. Reason (Ed), Human Inquiry in Action, London: Sage, 1988.
‘Assessment Revisited‘ in D. Boud (Ed), Developing Student Autonomy in Learning, London: Kogan Page, 1988.
Cosmic Psychology, London: Endymion Press, 1988.
Confessions of a Janus-Brain, London: Endymion Press, 1987. Revised edition available online here as an e-book Experience of the Subtle Realms, 2003. The revised edition is also available to buy online (September, 2006) as a paperback and download with the title Living in Two Worlds.
‘Critique of Conventional Research Methodology’ in Complementary Medical Research, 1: 1, 1986.
‘Research with People: The Paradigm of Co-operative Experiential Inquiry’ with P. Reason in Person-Centered Review, 1: 4, 1986.
Six Category Intervention Analysis, second edition, Guildford: Human Potential Research Project (now Human Potential Research Group), University of Surrey, 1986.
Experiential Techniques in Higher Education I and II, workshop reports, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1986.
‘The Role of Reflection in Co-operative Inquiry‘ in D. Boud, R. Keogh and D. Walker (Eds), Reflection: Turning Learning into Experience, London: Kogan Page, 1985.
Whole Person Medicine: A Co-operative Inquiry, with P. Reason, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1985.
‘A Paradigm of Well-Being’ in British Journal of Holistic Medicine, 1: 2, 1984.
‘Holistic Endeavour in Postgraduate Medical Education’ in British Journal of Holistic Medicine, 1: 1, 1984.
‘New Paradigm Research and Holistic Medicine’ with P. Reason in British Journal of Holistic Medicine, 1: 1, 1984.
Education of the Affect, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1982.
‘Self and Peer Assessment for Managers’ in T. Boydell and M. Pedlar (Eds), Handbook of Management Self-Development, Aldershot: Gower, 1982.
Empirical Validity in Experiential Research, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1982.
Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry (2), with P. Reason, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1982.
Assessment, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1982.
Co-counselling: An Experiential Inquiry, with P. Reason, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1981.
Experiential Research, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1981.
‘Experiential Research Methodology’ in P. Reason and J. Rowan (Eds), Human Inquiry: A Sourcebook of New Paradigm Research, Chichester: Wiley, 1981.
‘Philosophical Basis for a New Paradigm’ in P. Reason and J. Rowan (Eds), Human Inquiry: A Sourcebook of New Paradigm Research, Chichester: Wiley, 1981.
Paradigm Papers, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey,1981.
Co-counselling, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1979 (revised 1998).
Co-counselling Teachers Manual, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1978 (revised 1998).
Holistic Medicine, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1978.
Behaviour Analysis in Education and Training, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1977.
Catharsis in Human Development, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1977.
Dimensions of Facilitator Style, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1977.
Six Category Intervention Analysis Interpersonal Skills Course, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1977.
Criteria for Evaluating Growth Movements, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, with HPRP, University of Surrey, 1975.
Practical Methods in Transpersonal Psychology, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1975.
Six Category Intervention Analysis, first edition, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1975.
‘A Six Category Intervention Analysis’ in British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 1975.
The Concept of a Peer Learning Community, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1974.
Co-Counselling, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1974.
Course for New Teachers in General Preactice I and II, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1974.
‘An Open Letter to Harvey Jackins’, Self & Society, 1974 or 1973.
Re-evaluation Counselling: A Theoretical Review, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1973.
Experiential Training Techniques, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1973.
‘Re-evaluation Counselling’ in British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 1972.
Experience and Method, Guildford: HPRP, University of Surrey, 1971.
‘The Phenomenology of Social Encounter: The Gaze’, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 31:2, 1970.