Founder and Director of the Human Potential Research Project, University of Surrey, 1970 – 1977; Honorary Director, 1977 – 1981; Honorary Co-director, 1981-1984. The first academic  centre for humanistic and transpersonal psychology and education in Europe.

Assistant Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, 1977 – 1985; in charge of an innovative programme of personal and professional development for hospital doctors and GPs, out of which the British Holistic Medical Association was formed.

Director, International Centre for Co-operative Inquiry, Volterra, Tuscany, Italy, 1990-2000.

Co-director, South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000-present. 

Group facilitator and trainer in the fields of: co-counselling; co-operative inquiry and new paradigm research; educational and staff development; group facilitation and interactive skills; management development; personal and transpersonal development; professional development in medicine, psychotherapy and the helping professions. Researcher and author. 

Workshops in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Eire, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, UK, USA. Annual visits to New Zealand from 1990-91 to 1996-97, 1998-99. Resident in New Zealand from January 2000.

Southern hemisphere. Australia: Curtin University, Perth; University of New South Wales; University of Technology, Sydney. New Zealand: Aoraki Polytechnic, Auckland Area Health Board, Auckland Institute of Technology, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand Institute for Industrial Research and Development, Unitec, University of Auckland, Victoria University, several private organizations.

Management development work in the UK: Ashford Management College, Bramshill Police College, British Telecom, Home Office, Lloyds Bank, Metropolitan Police, Rank Xerox International, etc.

Group facilitator in UK TV programmes: medical stress (ITV, 1981), racism (BBC2, 1985), AIDS (Channel 4, 1987), Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses (BBC2, 1990), divorce (BBC2, 1991), parents and teenagers (BBC1, 1994).

One of the founders in the UK of each of the following: Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners, Co-counselling International, Institute for the Development of Human Potential, New Paradigm Research Group, Research Council for Complementary Medicine.